Perfect bull's eye
Wild flowers
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Pause for thought

One of the side benefits of this Internet Age is that it is super easy to send greetings and good wishes to those on the periphery of our acquaintance, especially on birthdays and anniversaries.

The flip side of that coin is that we are reminded of people with whom we have otherwise had no interaction for a year. Many of their messages are ...

Blue eyed baby
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Pause for thought

Most of us never think to question why the New Year should begin in January. And for many cultures a different position in our orbit of the sun is used.

For example, for Jews their new year celebration is in September and is called Rosh Hashanah which literally means, “the head of the year”. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, ...

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For all the details of happenings past and present, with pictures, check out Major Ann's weekly epistle here.

Four gospels
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Pause for thought

If you are like me and browse the internet for material related to Bible study and/or faith-based subjects you will undoubtedly from time to time come across an article which says that it can “prove” that the Bible is “contradicting” itself and therefore Christianity cannot be “trusted”.

As you know, our faith is in the birth, life, death ...

Cats fighting
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Pause for thought

I will readily admit that my title is pure clickbait!

But, now that I have your attention, let me point out that in the church at Philippi a couple of the ladies in the fellowship did have a falling-out significant enough and serious enough to come to the attention of the Apostle Paul!

Paul gives the church a recipe for how to deal ...

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Keep up with all that's happened and will happen and is planned to happen, complete with pictures, in Major Ann's Chronicle here.