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Major's Minute

This week we completed our Christmas Sign-Ups - interviewing our families seeking Christmas gifts for their families. It is never easy for anyone to ask for help, but my hope and prayer is that we were able to greet and receive everyone with love, tenderness, and care. We had a great team of volunteers and staff to help with the process. I believe we achieved that. Thanks to all who helped!

Today a group of us attended the Community Care Rally and Senior Day. The theme of the day was Unsung Heroes. Numerous people were recognized for their acts of kindness and their personal ministry to others. Of course, no one does these things for recognition, but we do acknowledge the influence they have in their communities. As I thought of everyone in our congregation, I have no doubt that you positively impact your families. The most important thing is to influence them with the love of God - He is the Ultimate Hero ... with Holy Spirit power and righteousness.

And then I thought back on the families that we interviewed ... they too are heroes in my eyes. Many of those families have endured hardships or are working hard to barely cover costs and meet their basic needs. Some have left their countries due to oppression and seeking asylum and refuge here - starting their lives over having left many of their personal belongings, businesses, livelihoods, and extended family behind. Let's keep them in prayer and seek ways to encourage and support them in their resettlement.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Lastly, this is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Potluck Sunday. Major Willdonna has prepared two full trays of meatloaf - red sauce and brown gravy. Please bring a side dish or dessert to enhance our meal together.

AnnMarguerite Jones

This Week's Schedule

SUNDAY 09:00 AM - Praise Team Practice - Chapel

10:00 AM - Spiritual Formation Classes

Corps Cadets - Classroom 2 Young Adult Bible Study - Classroom 3 Senior Soldier Class - Corner Classroom

10:15 AM - Prayer Time - Prayer Room

11:00 AM - Worship Service - Chapel

12:15 PM - POTLUCK SUNDAY - Fireside Room

1:00 PM - Youth Chorus Rehearsal - Chapel

2:00 PM - Beginning Band Rehearsal - Chapel

TUESDAY 5:00 PM - Craft Class - Classroom 2

6:00 PM - Men's Bible Study - Fireside Room

6:00 PM - Kingdom Heroes Bible Study - Classroom 2 & Zoom

7:00 PM - Songsters - Chapel

8:00 PM - Senior Band Rehearsal - Chapel

WEDNESDAY 10:00 AM - CAMEO (Women's Fellowship) - Fireside Room

FRIDAY 6:00 PM - YouthForce - Fireside Room

SATURDAY 10:00 AM - Craft Social - Fireside Room

Community Care Rally

Divisional Crafting Weekend

Christmas Sign-Ups

Upcoming Opportunities

Trunk or Treat Plan


I know - I know. Some of us are uncomfortable with the title Trunk or Treat. And some of you are fine with it. The fact is, the world is comfortable with it. I want us - our church community - to be "open" that day to show that we are approachable.

When we were first married, my husband used to turn off our porch lights and house lights. We would close ourselves off to a backroom and watch TV as families walked through the neighborhood.

I didn't feel comfortable with that.

As years have gone by, we have tried different things. We've opened our house to trick-or-treaters and passed out candy and a cartoon gospel message. We decorated our house with a cross or "holy ghosts". At a larger appointment, we were able to organize a thematic Roman Road experience - staff and volunteers were dressed in togas or Centurian costumes - while we had different activities - like games or a prayer station - that introduced our reinforced Bible points leading to a decision for Christ.

We have to plan for our particular setting.

Last year, we stepped out in faith and were surprised that the community came out. We had just enough "trunkers" and games to keep our guests occupied. However, we want to do even better than that this year!

Some of the points our team have planned and proposed are as follows:

We will stage all the activities in the smaller parking lot; keeping the larger parking lot open for guests. This means that we will direct everyone to enter through La Vista Avenue.

We will start our church service earlier that day at 10:30 AM. Members will also park in the larger parking lot as our Salvation Army EDS Canteen will be blocking our regular entryway on Clayton Road.

After the worship service, we would like everyone to stay and help set up for the outreach event. We envision our Youth Praise Team and Senior Band playing/singing within the 2 hours of programming.

People can help man the bounce house and other children's games or activities.

Others can help with the grilling of hot dogs or popping the popcorn and handing out the food. We can have an easy craft set out for children to do. It would be a good opportunity for members to chat with parents about church and other programs.

Host a "trunk" - decorate the bank of your car or a table and pass out candy to visiting families. Consider a theme that can be supported with scripture: for example, a farmer with the fruit of the spirit, Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones that come to life, or a carpenter's trunk. There are endless ideas. If you need help, we can help you.

We would like to do a couple of prize drawings. We will ask guests to give us their names and contact information to be added to the drawing. (This is NOT a raffle! No one will be required to pay to enter!) If you have any connections with a business or vendor that could donate towards the giveaway, please ask on our behalf.

We don't want any gory costumes.

Pray now that we will be able to show the light and love of God! Next year we can turn it into a Harvest Festival, but for now, we are set on this. We need your support.

Please let Major Willdonna know if you would like to host a trunk or volunteer in a specific area mentioned above or use the link below.

Sign up to Volunteer

Women's Ministries Newsletter

Click on the link below for helpful material for Women's Ministries

International Prayer Focus

This initiative of turning our thoughts and prayers towards the same part of the world at some point in the same week is a beautiful way to unite us as a global Army family and I thank you for the commitment you each give to this.

India South Western Territory Territorial Leaders: Colonels John William and Ratna Sundari Polimetla

Points to praise God:

The Territory has had new leadership since May 2023 – Colonel John William and Colonel Ratna Sundari Polimetla.

IFAS training in different levels, conducted by IHQ and implemented in the Territory.

Conference of Senior Leaders held 04 & 05 July 2023, enabled new leadership to understand better of the territory.

Territorial Leaders undertook forty days of journey, visiting officers, soldiers, and people in 310 corps, planting coconut saplings, wherever possible.

Territorial concerns for prayer:

Movement of Officers, including Section Heads and senior leaders, to settle down to focus on goals and objectives already in place.

Self-Denial efforts have begun that funds would come as prayed and planned throughout the territory.

Better functioning of the Governance system, by adhering to the regulations of committees and Councils, approved by THQ.

The training session for the “Defenders of Justice” is progressing now on online mode and second-year cadets visit the college only for a week for special classes and examinations.

There will be no training session next year, due to no candidates prepared for training and the territory is trying hard to have candidates for the 2025 session.

The health issues of both active and retired officers are that they continue to live healthy and serve as much as they can.

The caste system is alive still, though we try various ways to mitigate and eliminate it. This brings a huge negative impact on the administration at all levels of our ministry.

Projects have not been completed, due to issues related to obtaining Government permission for construction.

Training for Corps helpers who need Salvation Army discipline in worship, uniform wearing, sacramental teaching, orders, and regulations.

To utilize the assets of the Army and to reduce risks that we maintain the reputation of the Army.

More evangelical campaigns to strengthen the corps and to plant more Corps for which Evangelist and Corps Growth officer is appointed.

Financial Training is to happen shortly to teach corps officers and institutional officers how to handle cash books and adhere to Government compliance with FCRA regulations.

Prayer Requests

Submit Request

Requests will be prayed for in our Prayer Room and distributed through our Prayer Chain. Requests can be made anonymously.

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You can make a tithe payment, give an offering, or donate towards the World Services fund.

Friday October 6th, 2023
Friday September 29th, 2023