Major's Minute
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I love it because it is a mix of diverse people - culturally, generationally, and social-economically. All of our experiences - together - make us a beautiful picture of what Heaven looks like on earth. Are we all perfect? Of course not! But that's what makes it even better.

It's a place where we can practice love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, patience, forbearance, discipline, and generosity. It's where we learn to hold each other accountable, build boundaries, navigate hurts and brokenness, and tear down walls of mistrust and pain. It's where we can grow. It's a place where we can be creative - problem-solving - and use our gifts to benefit the Kingdom - our community and society. It's a place where we serve. It's a place where the community can come and serve. It's not just only a place ... it's a people group.

Gwyn and I would like to thank you again for your love and generosity. As we reflect on a week of Vacation Bible School, every volunteer played an important part. We were successful because we did it as a team. Thank you! As I said on Sunday, you may never know just how you may have changed the course of a child's life for eternity.

Thank you too for those that gave towards the Backpack and School Supplies drive. And we are grateful to those who helped get it ready for distribution - getting the information, connecting with donors, shopping, organizing, and filling bags. A handful of us were blessed to hand them out on your behalf. The children were ecstatic to receive such beautiful backpacks filled with essential supplies. Let's pray that the children will have a wonderful school year.

I have written this early in the week as we will be leaving with the teens for Western Music Institute. I tell you this because the Giving Report won't be included in this issue as that is normally prepared at the end of the week. And Cindy does not have access to this program to add it herself. But as we are on that subject, thank you too for your continued generous support of the ministry of this church.

See you in a week! Major Willdonna Rich will be leading the service in our absence.